Livestock export market to begin soon- Gare

Refilwe Motube

Farmers may soon start exporting their livestock, beginning of July this year, if what Agricultural Development and Food Security Minister- Karabo Gare, said this week is anything to go by.

To develop and nurture livestock production at large, Gare says government has as well prepared national insemination laboratory and ranch management training in Ramotswa that is expected to help improve the genetic makeup of livestock. “This will make sure that livestock sells once export begins,” he said during an update on national television.

Minister Gare has also allayed lingering fears about the rumoured closure of the national closure Botswana Meat Commission (BMC). “As a nation we have to understand that BMC is an assert to this country. Our motive is not to shut it down as rumors say. We want to see Botswana Meat Commission succeeding, so we have come up with mandates on the way forward. There have been rumors circulating that we are shutting it down, which is false”.

In fast tracking BMC’s growth Gare says his Ministry has teamed up with the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development, Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry, Farmer‘s Association and the Ministry’s working committee for BMC’s development and future operations.

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Gare has also highlighted the importance of livestock production in boosting the economy. “Last year we had a breakout of brucellosis disease which affected dairy production. Four hundred and forty-one cattle died and in realizing this we went into Industry support fund so that businesses could rise again,” Gare added





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