Kudu meat lands seven in hot soup

Christinah Motlhabane
IN HOT SOUP: Poaching suspects

Seven men hoping to enjoy kudu stew found themselves in hot soup instead after police arrested them on suspicion of poaching.

The hungry suspects, aged between 17 and 45, were caught in possession of the dead beast at Mmeya village – located some 60km west of Francistown – last Monday.

Speaking to The Voice, Letlhakane Station Commander, Michael Maphephu said, “The men were found with kudu meat, skin and horns.

“They were reported by members of the village and the arrest was made on the same day in the bush where they killed they kudu. The seven were found when they were ready to take the meat home.”

The men were released from police cells on Wednesday, with Maphephu revealing the confiscated meat had been sent to the laboratory for testing.

“If it confirms it is kudu meat they will then appear in court,” continued the top cop, adding the suspects are likely to be charged with being caught in possession of a government trophy.

Staying in Maphephu’s jurisdiction, on the same day (Monday 14 October) a 39-year-old man was found hanging from the rafters of his rented house in Mmatshumo village.

“The report came by the girlfriend to the deceased who said when she came home from work she found her boyfriend hanging.

“The Matlhakula man used a rope to commit suicide. The girlfriend said they did not have any misunderstanding and that she is shocked as to what made her boyfriend take his own life,” closed the police boss, adding that there was no note left.

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