I’ve had enough


Tafic Chairman quits over off-field squabbles

It was too good to last.

Despite flying high at the top of the Debswana First Division North and recently securing sponsorship from Petrohyper, Tafic’s off-field, behind-the-scenes squabbles returned with ugly vengeance on Wednesday night as Chairman, Tumelo Toteng confirmed his resignation from the club.

Amid allegations of a coup d’état brewing at Matjimenyenga, an emotional Toteng told Voice Sport he’d had enough and was walking away.

The lifelong Tafic fan, who celebrated his 35th birthday on Tuesday, revealed a group of ‘old guards’ were baying for his blood and had made it clear he does not ‘belong’ at the Reds.

Pointing an accusing finger at former Interim Vice Chairperson, Thomas Maika, he said simply, “I resigned because of undue influence from some elders.”

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Toteng, who took over the reins at Matjimenyenga at the start of the season, claimed Maika told him to his face that he was not wanted.

“He said together with like-minded Tafic elders they’re planning to oust me, and he, Maika, will take over as the Chairman,” ended Toteng.

I've had enough
WATCHING ON: Tafic supporters are used to behind-the-scenes fallouts

However, in a brief interview with Voice Sport, Maika expressed shock at the turn of events.

While he admitted to having a heated exchange with the Chairman, Maika maintained he never expected the situation to escalate to this level.

“I’ve nothing against the chairman. Words were exchanged in the heat of the moment but that was all it was. If at all that’s how the Chairman feels, I apologise, and I urge that we settle our differences for the benefit of Tafic,” he said.

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He further revealed Toteng did not take kindly to the fact that the suspended coach, Mohambi Saulosi gave him a training programme to give to give caretaker coach, Lovemore Mokgweetsi.

“He wondered why Saulosi decided to give me the training programme instead of sending it to the Technical Manager, Mmoloki BB Sechele,” explained Maika.

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