In search of the suspect

Sinqobile Tessa
GLOBAL THREAT: Blood sample with respiratory coronavirus positive

While other countries are seized with ensuring that the Corona virus does not spread or enter their respective shores, as of Tuesday our government was pre-occupied with looking for a man with the suspected disease.

The man who came from Thailand and had the virus symptoms was due to be tested when he decided to run away from hospital before tests could be done.

How a patient, with symptoms of a virus that is a global threat could escape from a government hospital meant for suspected cases baffles the mind.

The whole incident vindicated those who have been saying our government is just not serious about handling the issue.

Not that the patient should have been handled like a hard core criminal but he must have surely been under the watchful eye of senior doctors but alas, no one seemed to bother hence the man got the chance to slip away.

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The story of course set social media abuzz with people questioning and blaming the government and saying should the virus come and spread in Zimbabwe; no one but our leaders would be to blame.

Responding to the Tweet of the escape, Twitter user, Dr Chris Kandeya said; “Zanu PF must go, Zimbabwe lacks leadership, how does a coronavirus patient escape, this is rubbish , this is crap”, while Trymore Muhlanga said; “Seems we aren’t taking corona virus seriously. With the way our health care system is so poor, we can’t have the luxury of suspected patients escaping.”

As to why he also thought it best to disappear into thin is also another question that we might never get answers to. But as always, social media users had their own theories, with some even joking about the matter to say the man just gave the hungry nurses a few dollars so he could run away.

“Hope someone didn’t get paid for his release. How does one really run away if this was supposed to be a patient under the spotlight”, questioned one Twitter user.

Well, anything is possible in this country and it wouldn’t come as a surprise that the man actually paid for his release.

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One however hopes and prays that the man does not have the virus as that would be spell disaster.

On a different note, rumors of a pending coup are swelling as the economy continues to take a nosedive.

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The ruling party has admitted that the failing economy is its biggest threat and that drastic measures need to be taken.

Do those measures include showing president Emmerson Mnangagwa the door as a large of people believe he is to blame, only time will tell.

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