High-flying hypocrites


Shaya watched on as savages went for blood. Many of you my dear readers went in hard on the main paper’s front page last week.

Indeed, many of you made fun of the man, who was apparently caught with his pants down, literally!

By the way, I’ll never look at that mall’s parking lot the same ever again.

Anyway, Shaya has noted all the nasty comments about the guy’s unfortunate situation and before my ink dries will make it my mission to publish the skeletons of other high-flying members of society.

My focus will be on the politicians, lawyers, and prominent people who castigated Dibanka as if they too don’t have skeletons hiding away.

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I mean if walls could talk right?

But don’t worry, Shaya is a fly on most walls so be warned, I am coming for all of you.

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