Guma Moyo’s property up for auction

Daniel Chida

P18 million in assets up for grabs to settle politician’s outstanding loan

An unpaid bank loan looks set to hit Samson Guma Moyo where it hurts the most: the politician’s deep pockets.

The controversial former Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) Chairman, will see a staggering P16 million’s worth of his assets placed under the hammer to repay the debt owed to First National Bank of Botswana (FNBB).

Some of Moyo’s properties that will be up for grabs at auction include: a Pre School, Oil Pump House, Oil Storage tanks, Boiler House Coal Banker, Packaging Plant and Refineries Plant. Regardless of their value, they will go to the highest bidder.

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Currently in self-exile in South Africa, where he has been based for a number of years, it seems the Botswana Patriotic Front (BPF) member’s woes are down to his failure to settle a loan he once got from FNBB to finance some of his business.

When contacted about the auction, the flamboyant businessman, a former Member of Parliament for Tati East, refused to comment on the matter.

“I have nothing to say,” was all the famously outspoken Moyo would say.

For his part, Deputy Sheriff, Bathusi Billy confirmed he was acting on behalf of the bank to carry out the execution.

“We are starting with his house at Partial in Gaborone before we go to Francistown on the 8th October where we will auction more of his goods,” explained Billy.

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Moyo left the country under a dark cloud of controversy claiming that he feared for his life.

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