Granny beaten unconscious and then raped


A 73-year-old grandmother endured a terrifying end to 2019 when she was beaten unconscious and then raped as she lay passed out on the floor.

Tonota police have since arrested Lesego Gabatshwane, 27, in connection with the incident, which took place on 31 December at Gulushabe Lands in Tonota area.

According to Tonota Station Commander, Oteng Ngada the old lady was sleeping alone at the lands when she was attacked at around midnight.

The suspect is alleged to have kicked and beaten the helpless elder until she fainted. He then raped her.

“The incident was reported to us by neighbours. The old woman was taken to Masedi clinic in Tonota for medical examinations, which revealed indeed she had been sexually abused. She was discharged the same day,” said Ngada, adding Gabatshwane, who once worked as a herdboy at the same lands, was traced and arrested two days later.

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“Fortunately, the old lady saw his face,” continued the top cop. Gabatshwane appeared before Francistown Magistrates Court on 3 January and was remanded in custody until his next appearance set for Tuesday 28 January.

Meanwhile, Ngada revealed his station recorded six rape cases between 20 December and 5 January, double the number reported during the 2018 festive season.

He warned that elders and children are the most susceptible to rape and advised the older generation to avoid staying at the lands alone as they become easy targets for criminals.

He further advised parents to keep a close eye on their children wherever possible.

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