Govt approves Ministry of Education’s transformation Roadmap

Daniel Chida
MINISTER: Fidelis Molao

Government has approved the implementation of the Education and Training Sector Strategic Plan (ETSSP).

ETSSP is the Ministry’s roadmap for transforming education and supporting Botswana’s ambition to graduate from a resource based to a Knowledge Based Economy.

This was said by the Minister of Basic Education, Fidelis Molao in parliament when delivering his speech during the Committee of Supply sitting.

Molao said that With the Covid-19 pandemic depleting resources, these reforms will be more relevant now than ever as Botswana needs to rely on its own knowledge and skills to drive innovation and other sectors of the economy such as manufacturing.

Molao said that through the implementation of the ETSSP, curriculum is being overhauled and other flagship programmes undertaken which include the rollout of Early Childhood Care, School Leadership Training, the development of an Outcome Based Education (OBE) curriculum for senior secondary schools, and the introduction of multiple education pathways for learners to access higher education as well as the introduction of e-learning at all levels.

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“ The senior secondary school curriculum has been reviewed. To date, all the planned 38 subjects for senior secondary level have been developed, checked and quality assured for implementation. The Ministry will implement the new subjects in a phased approach where three phases of implementation are planned with Phase-1 starting in 2021,” said Molao.

The Minister further noted that the new subjects to be introduced are; Animal Production; Field Crop Production and Horticulture for Moeng College and Hospitality and Tourism Studies for Maun Senior Secondary School.

“Some of the learning facilities have been altered and new facilities are being constructed within the two schools to make a provision for teaching of the new subjects to Form 4 learners,” explained the minister.

He added that the Ministry is also developing a new Junior Certificate outcome based curriculum aligned to the new Senior Secondary School Curriculum.

He said that the implementation of outcome–based education curriculum requires the modernizing and digitalising of schools to create an environment that is conducive to learning.

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“Going forward, the Ministry needs to be facilitated and fully supported by Honourable Members to fast-track expanding access as well as attending to the aged school infrastructure across the country,”said Molao

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