Government apologises to Scorpions

Kabelo Dipholo

Assistant Minister of Local Government and Rural Development, Kenneth Kgotla Autlwetse, has tendered an apology to thousands of Scorpions whose engagement at B3 scale has been unceremoniously reversed.

In one of the grandest howlers by the Botswana government, the government hired thousands of Safety and Health Environmental Scorpions at B3 scale (P1200 per month), but later downgraded them to Ipelegeng scheme (P500), claiming that the pronouncement was a mistake.

In a move that could see government fighting many court cases, government has been left with egg on the face as disappointed SHE scorpions demand answers.

In a session with the Francistown Covid-19 Response team last Friday, Assistant Minister Autlwetse reiterated government’s stance that the appointment of Scorpions at B3 scale was unlawful and has to be rectified.

“We long saw the mistake and ordered the officer who sent the directive to Councils to withdraw it before people were hired, unfortunately the said officer delayed, resulting in this mess,” said Autlwetse.

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The Assistant Minister further warned that the said official will be dealt with accordingly.

“We have to face those affected and apologize. It is heartbreaking for them and their parents whose excitement was cruelly cut short.”
“We take responsibility for the mix up, and we unreservedly apologise,” Autlwetse said.

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