Ghetto’s Clean-Up King

Kabelo Dipholo
SCRUB AND WIPE: Volunteers in action

Fumigating the streets of Francistown (Covid-19 Heroes)

There is no denying the crippling devastation brought about by the outbreak of the Covid-19 virus, whose impact will be felt for many years to come.

While the global pandemic is threatening to bring even the strongest economies to their knees, leaving many on the brink of abject poverty, there are, however, selfless souls who have stubbornly refused to be backed into a corner.

Instead, they have come out to use their own resources to help those in need and join government’s efforts in her attempts to stop the deadly virus from spreading.

36-year-old Kago Dlodlo is one such individual.

Through his company, Cater Security, the young businessman has volunteered to fumigate the streets of Francistown, the bus rank and government fleet used by the Health Department team.

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In an exclusive interview with The Voice, Dlodlo explained that the idea to disinfect the Ghetto’s streets was inspired by a chance meeting with a needy family in one of the city’s rundown neighbourhoods.

“I was driving around Coloured before lockdown when I spotted this yard with a lot of people. After asking around I was notified that they were all family members who were heavily dependent on their grandmother’s old age pension,” revealed Dlodo.

He was so moved by their plight that he bought them a food hamper to ease their hunger during the 28-day lockdown.

“I was, however, disturbed by the numbers I saw. My worry was that with the constant movement I observed on the streets, should an infected person visit that yard the entire family would be wiped out!” continued Dlodo, his concern evident in his kindly face.

“It was at this moment that I realised to win this battle some of us would have to dip into our pockets to help.”

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And dip into his pockets Dlodo certainly did.


After some serious soul searching and a bit of head scratching, Dlodlo came up with the idea of fumigating the second city’s streets.

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He quickly sold his vision to his friend Joyce Puleng Nhovo who runs Sanganai Enterprise.

“We discussed the idea and she agreed that we should get on it immediately.”

Urged on by his business friend, Dlodlo submitted a written proposal to the Town Clerk, who responded two days later.

“I met the Town Clerk and he welcomed the idea and even promised to give us a water bowser to make our task easier.”

The good Samaritan further told The Voice that earlier this week, while waiting for the Francistown City Council (FCC) to avail the water bowser, they also offered their services free of charge to fumigate the government fleet used by the Health team.

“This Sunday we realised that the health team that goes around quarantine areas use a lot of cars which they also share. So we decided to fumigate the cars including all the ambulances,” he said, adding it will be up to FCC to give them direction on which streets they can fumigate and how far they can go.

On Tuesday, Dlodlo and his team, clad in blue protective clothing started fumigating the Francistown bus rank.

“If FCC gives us the entire city, I’d call on Batswana to chip in and help with whatever they can. It could be brooms, labour or liquid soap.”

Dlodlo currently oversees a team of 19 people who are helping him.

“Five of them are on my payroll, while 14 are volunteers who also own small companies who decided to join me in this noble course,” he said, proving that not all superheroes wear capes – some are armed with a broom and a big heart!

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