Gansta on the loose

Kabelo Dipholo
FEARSOME MAN: Gabosekegwe


A survivor of a bloody fight in Rakops has accused the police of protecting a known gangster in the village.

Known simply as G-Wawa or G-West, Gorataofe Stimela Gabosekegwe is notorious for wielding his machete whenever he has a disagreement with anyone.

Star Inambao, 35 escaped death by a whisker on September, 23rd when a confrontation with the menacing Gabosekegwe left him with serious head injuries.

Spotting fresh stitches on his head and left wrist, and a gash on his right arm Inambao said he nearly lost his life in an attack that happened in front of the police.

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Narrating his ordeal at Nyangagbwe Referral Hospital, Inambao said he suspected his troubles began after questioning the village leadership’s delayed search party for the missing man, Moses Mosarwa.

“I attended the kgotla meeting on September, 22nd where a search party was supposed to be launched. I openly questioned why now when the person went missing on the 28th of the previous month. Why would the search party be 26 days late, and I guess my question was not taken well by some in authority and G-Wawa was sent to teach me a lesson,” he said.

He said that same day just after midnight while sleeping with his girlfriend they heard a commotion outside, as Gabosekegwe and another man called him out.

“They were threatening to kill me. G-Wawa had a machete and he chopped down the door and proceeded to break windows before vanishing into the darkness,” Inambao told The Voice.

Shaken, he walked accompanied by his girlfriend to report the matter to the police who were immediately ordered to bring Gabosekegwe in.

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STICHED: A gash on the forehead
STICHED: A gash on the forehead

“I volunteered to show them where he stayed, and on arrival when I pointed the house out, they just froze. I pushed the door open, and there was G-Wawa with a machete in hand,” recalled Inambao.

He said what followed was a struggle for survival as Gabosekegwe swung his blade, chopping at anything that moved.

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“The police never moved until a neighbour intervened earning himself a gash on the shoulder and arms,” he said.

Inambao said Gabosekegwe then disappeared into the darkness while together with the injured neighbour they were taken to Nyangagbwe Hospital where they spent five days.

“My concern is to this day G-Wawa is a free man. He still has his machete and is not being questioned because the police fear him,” he said.

“He has used this machete before. There are people in Rakops with scars from his weapon, but he’s free, he’s just a gangster in paradise,” fired Inambao.

Rakops Police Station Commander Superintendent Thito Freeman gave a different version of what really transpired at the scene.

“The report I received from the officers is that Inambao broke down the door with a spade and confronted G-West. A fight ensued. They were both injured in the process. We’re still looking for G-West and if we catch him, he’ll probably be charged for unlawful wounding,” said Freeman.

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