Forging ahead

Sinqobile Tessa
NO CROP: Our weed infested field which in a normal season would be under maize

I did not write my last column for 2023 as my laptop was stolen a few hours before I could file – a fitting end to what was a miserable year.

Bloody thieves broke into our house in the early hours of December 20 and got away with three cellphones, a speaker and a laptop.

I failed to control my tears upon discovering the theft. I had woken up at 5am to finish the column in order to file before The Voice’s sexy Sub Editor arrived in the office but that was never to be.

What hurt the most was that we were still recovering from the loss we suffered in November when tsotsis broke into our fowl run and stole more than 200 broiler chickens valued at $1, 500 (about P20, 000).

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I wailed on the day as I felt really hurt, angry and violated.

My young niece and nephew whose phones were stolen had arrived a few days earlier to spend the festive season with us were traumatized for days and could not sleep alone, fearing another break in.

I cursed and swore at the thieves and still am to this day as I have not completely healed from the loss and the emotional pain.

Of course life has to go on but I hope and pray that one day soon, the thieves will rue the day they decided to steal from us.

And going on we are despite all the early signs indicating the year will be another tough one, compounded by the pending drought.

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For the first since we became farmers in 2010, we did not plant maize this season due to lack of rains.

It rained for a few days towards the end of December but because we had been made aware of the rainfall pattern, we did not bother to plant and neither did many farmers in our community and the country at large.

We normally plant maize for consumption and stock feed to cut on production costs.

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It means this time around we will be buying mealie meal, and sadly prices have already increased.

The same goes for stock feed which will in turn push up meat and egg prices.

In fact almost everything has gone up, including fuel and toll fees, which have ballooned by 100 percent.

But you know what, it’s just the beginning of the year and despite the looming challenges, it would help to remain focused, keep the fait and hope for better days to come.

As we say as Christians, we should be thankful for the gift of life.

That alone should give one a reason to smile and be grateful.

Happy New Year everyone, let’s make the most of it.

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