Fists fly as wife, daughter beat suspected mistress

Christinah Motlhabane

Former councillor’s mistress faces P150 000 marriage wrecking suit

Mosetse customary court turned into a boxing ring on Tuesday when a fight between a scorned wife, her husband’s alleged mistress and the couple’s daughter ensued.

The suspected mistress attacked the pregnant wife for leveling accusations of marriage wrecking against her.

In a dramatic scene that amused some people and shocked others, the alleged mistress, Lebani Wanano cried bitterly after the wife and her daughter ganged up and beat her black and blue in self defence.

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Wanano is facing a P150 000 marriage-wrecking lawsuit brought against her by Ogomoditse Linga, the wife of the former Mosetse village councilor, Ephraim Linga.

Linga’s wife brought the matter before the customary court Chief, Opelo Ntshwarelang on June 1st after the husband had moved out of the matrimonial home.

After the charges were read in court, Wanano denied having an affair with Ogomoditse’s husband and produced a letter from her lawyer demanding that the case be taken to the magistrate court.

“The letter from Wanano humbly requests the customary court to transfer the matter to the magistrate court so it means that all the proceedings will be stopped. If we continue with it we will be violating someone’s rights,” said chief Ntshwarelang.

HUSBAND: Ephraim

As soon as proceedings ended Wanano launched an attack on the wife who fought back and defeated the suspected mistress with the help of her daughter.

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After she had calmed down, the accused mistress left with police officers to the car park where she met with Ogomoditse’s husban and drove away with him in his car.

In an interview with The Voice, the wife stated that she came to know Wanano last year in May as one of the BDP cadres in her husband’s campaign team.

“I am really hurt with what she did to me. My husband left home on the 13th of April claiming he was bewitched. He left when I was three months pregnant and to add salt to injury Wanano sent me messages claiming that the baby I was carrying could not be his boyfriend’s and that Linga was not my husband but her man, “said the jilted wife.

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She further revealed that on the 30th of April she and her in-laws had followed Linga to where he had moved in with his mistress in Dukwi.

“I found my husband’s clothes on the washing line and Lebani putting on my wedding head scarf. I begged my husband to come back home and he agreed but never returned,” she said, adding that she would appreciate any help that would make her husband see sense and return home.

Linga’s daughter, Otathusa Mellisa, accused Wanano of being a gold digger who was with her dad only for financial gain while she dated other men.

“She phoned me around March and introduced herself to me as my father’s girlfriend. She then asked me to connive with her by pretending that I have been to a prophet who revealed that my father was bewitched at his house, which of course I thought was bizarre and ridiculous,” Otathusa said.

WIFE: Ogomoditse

The young woman also revealed that Wanano once asked for P300 for petrol from her.

“She also lied to me that she was employed as a manager at Jwaneng mine only for me to find out that she was a standard three school drop out,” said Otathusa.

Making a plea for her dad to come back home, Othathusa said, “That woman made my dad leave his wife and children. I wish nothing bad happens to him. I want him to come back home safe. He left a decent home to move in with a mistress in a house with no running water and no toilet. It’s very strange. They use the bush as their toilet. He wakes up early in the morning to make fire every day. My father is not the same anymore, how can he leave his home with everything to use the bush for a toilet?”

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