Exhibits burn down in police courtyard

Kazungula police are investigating the cause of a mysterious fire that burnt down two vehicles which were suspected to have been stolen from South Africa.

The two exhibits, a Ford Ranger which was confiscated last year September and a Mercedes Benz ML, which was impounded this year February, were allegedly torched in the police court yard last week Friday around 2am.

According to Kazungula Police station commander, Paul Chaluza, “the officers were alerted by smoke coming from the courtyard and by the time they responded the vehicles were already in flames.”

Chaluza explained that the suspects in the two cases have since been released from police custody.

“The case for the Benz was withdrawn due to insufficient evidence,” he said and further explained that the case for the Ford Ranger is due for mention next month on 23 September.

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Nonetheless, Chaluza maintains the fire was not due to police negligence.

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