Do as i say… not as i do

Sinqobile Tessa
WIDE SMILES: Information Minister, Monica Mutsvangwa flanked by Govt spokesperson Nick Mangwana (L) and another guest (Source: Nick Mangwana on Twitter)

It’s been a while since I wrote about Covid-19, mainly because there hasn’t been much to write home about.

While the infection rate has gone down over the last couple of months, regulations such as wearing masks in public places, a limited number of people at social gatherings, and a 12-midnight curfew are still in place and meant to be adhered to.

But in a clear case of some animals being more equal than others or perhaps living by the adage ‘do as I say, not as I do’, top government officials last weekend gathered for a lavish 60th birthday party of Information Minister, Monica Mutsvangwa, with no one caught on camera wearing a mask.

Everyone seemed to have thrown caution to the wind as they wined and dined so close to one another as if there was no Coronavirus to worry about.

When the pictures emerged on social media, much to the shock of many who accused the government of double standards, government spokesperson, Nick Mangwana tried to cover up by claiming that all the attendants had their temperatures checked at the entrance.

A lame excuse for sure because even if they had, they still had to wear masks as per the regulations. As if that was not enough, the party reportedly went on all night in violation of the midnight curfew.

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What irked people, even more, is that on the very same Saturday, police in Bulawayo put a stop to the annual musical awards that were being held in the city because it had a gathering of more than 100 people.

This clearly showed that our system is biased and that some rules are only meant for povo and certainly not the elite.

To add further salt to the wound, on Monday the Minister addressed the media, reminding people that Covid-19 rules are still in place and should be strictly followed.

What also got people talking this week was how Mary Mubaiwa, the estranged wife of Vice President, Constantino Chiwenga was wheeled to court in a stretcher bed after two warrants for her arrest were issued for failure to appear before the court.

Mubaiwa, who is accused of attempting to kill the VP and assaulting their childminder, is suffering from an unknown ailment. Her feet, hands, and arms are swollen and during the court appearance, she sat on a wheelchair, connected to a drip.

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The arrest warrants were immediately canceled and the trial will resume on January 28 next year.

As always, some felt pity for her while others thought she was just being dramatic and trying to gain public sympathy.

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