Daring to be different

Refilwe Motube

Temo Boswa tackles food self-sufficiency

The fields of Milling and Crop Production are enjoying an unexpected resurgence as an increasing number of youth take to the land to grow and sell food.

One such entrepreneur is 32-year-old Mpho Orapeleng, the proud owner of Temo Boswa Milling Company.

Founded a year ago, the establishment focuses on producing wheat and wheat by-products, including sorghum and beans.

Daring to be different
TASTY: Teo Boswa Products

“So far the business is doing well. I have managed to secure tendering deals with shops to supply them and I have also managed to set a good customer base where people can place individual orders,” revealed Orapeleng.

Although she is a relative new-comer to the industry, the determined young woman has big plans and intends to establish herself as a leading player by providing in-demand food products.

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Innovation and creativity are also key components on her path to the top.

“I intend on improving my branding and also producing baby suitable products for feeding as one way for catering for different kinds of clients regardless of age or gender,” she told Voice Money in an exclusive interview earlier this week.

With the help of government and institutions such as LEA, Orapeleng hopes to expand her range of products.

The ambitious business woman also harbors dreams of going international and one day exporting her wares outside Botswana.

Despite her big dreams, Orapeleng admits her initiative is not without its struggles.

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“Running this business has not been easy. Even with the government funding I received, I only managed to buy machinery and it’s not enough. I hope to buy more of what is a needed for this business as time goes on.”

Fortunately for Orapeleng, government seem keen to back the local Milling industry, with enterprises like ISPAAD set up specifically to support arable agricultural development.

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Daring to be different is also likely to work in her favour. Unlike other production businesses who rely heavily on imports, Temo Boswa Milling Company produce most of their products from scratch.

With imports becoming increasingly expensive, ventures such as Orapeleng’s are well placed to fill the void and ensure Botswana has a sufficient supply of food.

For Orapeleng and Temo Boswa, the future is rich with possibility.

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