Companies, individuals urged to use BeSafe app

Kabelo Adamson

The Covid-19 Presidential Task Force Team has encouraged both individuals and entities to make of the BeSafe application.

The application which can be downloaded on Google play for Android users and through web link for non-android users, has been developed by a local technology company, Branstorne Enterprises.

Speaking during a press briefing on Sunday Branstorne Chief Executive Officer, Martin Stimela, said as of yesterday, about 50, 000 individuals had downloaded and registered on the application.

However, he said numbers for companies were less impressive as only 2000 companies had registered, something which he said will create a mismatch as it means individuals who have registered on the application will not be able to scan at the shops.

Presidential Task Force Team member, Dr. Mogomotsi Matshaba who is a Scientific Advisor said the app was developed in response to complaints raised by members of the public regarding the safety of their personal information. 

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With the app, he said now the personal information such as contact numbers and identity numbers will now be sent directly to a government system once a user scans at the shop or where they visit. 

“Shops will now not have access to people’s personal information and it will only be accessible to government. It is much safer than the current arrangement of using paper to register people,” said Dr. Matshaba. 

Furthermore, he said the application will make contact tracing easy if the situation arises

While there has been a low interest by companies to download the application, Dr. Matshaba said it is not mandatory for anyone to use it, saying the Task Force Team can only encourage both individuals and companies to use the app. 

“We encourage individuals and companies to register for the application, it will also help in reducing long queues,” he said. 

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