Christmas came earlier for Monarch Destitute Center

Christinah Motlhabane
THREE MASKETEERS: Almando (centre) receiving the Christmas gifts

Last Friday, Christmas came a week early for the children of Monarch Destitute Center in Francistown thanks to the generosity of the Botswana Investment and Trade Center (BITC).

The organization donated a sack full of presents, including toys, toiletries, stationery, school bags, and a television.

Expressing thanks on behalf of the children, Social Welfare Officer, Keneilwe Letebele said BITC’s kindness had helped transform the kids’ Christmas into one to remember.

“They provided what we failed to and they managed to go beyond. This makes the receivers happy and it is good for their psychological well-being, more especially as they are children who are not able to spend Christmas in their own homes,” she said.

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BITC Francistown Branch Manager, Gaorekwe Gaorekwe explained they were happy to lend a helping hand in a city where they only opened an office last year.


“We did this because of the love we have for the people of this center. And this is the time when kids become excited so we want them to open boxes of presents just like other children.”

Gaorekwe further revealed BITC also intends to upgrade the center’s toilets from the pit-latrines they currently use.

“We are going to renovate the shelter by painting it and turn the toilet into a water system,” he promised.

Thanking BITC for both the gifts and the up-coming renovation, Monarch North Councilor, Gopolang Almando said, “I am excited that the center will be renewed thus giving it a new look and making my people happy.”

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Monarch Destitute Center caretaker, Kemaketse Sabata was equally excited, likening BITC to Santa Claus.

“Currently we have four children under the age of 13 and five adults here in the center. We thank BITC a lot for what they did for us. We wish they keep helping us,” said Sabata.

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