Chilling’out Fri 18 November 2022


A supermakert brawl

The rivalry between opposition leaders, Dumelang Saleshando and Duma Boko’s supporters has reached fever pitch.

The warring factions are doing all in their power to discredit each other,using anything and everything at their disposal. Of recent, this obviously altered picture of a bar has been making rounds on social media. The bar trades under distinctive names, depending on whose camp you belong to.

If you’re a Boko fan, the bar is called ‘Saleshando O ja le BDP Supermarket’ (Saleshando eats with the BDP), and if you’re a Dums diehard, the shop is then called ‘Re rogilwe ke Boko Supermarket’ (translating to Boko has insulted us Supermarket).

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Just how childish are our opposition cadres? Shaya thinks the appropriate name for the building should be “Le tsaya leng puso Supermarket?”

Gluttonous eaters of meat

A savingram from the Directorate of Public Service Management (DPSM) directed to civil servants couldn’t have arrived at the right time.

Yours truly has witnessed our government employees in action where food is concerned. It is not surprising to hear that they order 1kg yoghurts and family meals of 21 pieces of chicken.

This is actually the norm even when they are not using imprest. Just go to any government activity during lunch time and watch gluttony in action.

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Still beats me as to why one would want to have two pieces of chicken, fish, pork, beef stew, oxtail, rice, samp, porridge, wedges and butternuts in one plate. How embarrassing to see government officers walking gingerly back to her/his table with gravy dripping from the plate, and chicken drumsticks barely hanging on. It’s disgusting. Shaya and DPSM encourage officers to eat reasonably.

Nepotism in Zowa

A company sub contracted to one of the biggest mining companies in Letlhakane is allegedly involved in corruption and nepotism.

According to inside sources the company is headed by former BCL employees (names known) who recently retrenched staff claiming the company was downsizing.

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Apparently the retrenched staff were promised to be given first priority should things improve at the mine.

It later turned out that the two Managers who worked together at BCL had long hatched a plan to bring in their family members and former BCL colleagues into the mine.

The mine had retrenched 62 employees who are still on the streets while sisters and cousins of top management are being employed. The two top Mangers, including the HR Shaya knows what you’re up to and will come knocking on your doors soon.

Whose child is it?

A musical couple in Selebi Phikwe has apparently welcomed a new baby girl in early October this year.

The two inseparable lovebirds who share a rented room have been dating and singing together for seven years.

News reaching Yours Truly however suggests that the new baby has become a source of discomfort for the new father.

The problem with the baby is that the baby has turned out to be spitting image of the supposed father’s best friend.

Apparently while the lady insists, her spouse is the father, the baby’s cooing reminds him of his best friend.

Well, young kwasa man, there’s no need to torture yourself, get a booking and pay for a paternity test. Shaya will be waiting for those DNA results.

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