Chilling’ out Fri 04 November 2022


Lying Prophet

Popular and controversial Aposttle King Mojadigo is indeed a strange man.

Known for his knack to prophecy doom over missing people, the man recently divided opinion with one of his ‘prophecies’ on Prince Macheng who went missing for a couple of days.

In his own words Apostol Mojadigo said God told him Macheng was dead, and that it was his duty to announce the sad news to the world no matter how heartbreaking they were, after-all these were words from God.

Well Yours Truly was shocked when a day later the Apostle deleted his statement and apologised to his followers after Macheng was found alive.

Now Man of God have you no shame? How can you delete the word of God? Has God’s word become so cheap that one can edit and delete it whenever they want. Fire all over your body Mojadigo!

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Chilling' out Fri 04 November 2022
BMD delegate

Forewarned is forearmed

The Botswana Movement for Democracy is back in the political mix.

It’s new leader, Nehemiah Modubule has wasted no time in throwing petrol to the raging inferno consuming opposition politics, with a calculated smack on Botswana National Front.

However what caught Yours Truly’s eye at their elective Congress in Mahalapye over the weekend was not the fact that all National Executive Committee members were unopposed, but the delegates that ushered in the party’s new NEC.

The pictures brought back the 2017 Bobonong memories, where sticks, stones, dogs and sjamboks were used to decide BMD’s new leadership.

Now the orange brigade is back, and they want a piece of the pie. To the opposition block, be warned!

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Chilling' out Fri 04 November 2022
Water lily

Well connected lodge

News reaching Yours Truly is that a certain lodge owner in Palapye could be dating one of the powerful leaders in government.

Apparently this leader prefers to spend his nights there whenever he has engagements in Palapye despite the availability of other better lodging facilities.

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Those close to the development said the relationship between the leader and the lodge owner could be more than just business.

Whatever the relationship is, it seems to be working for the budget lodge owner as she currently is getting a lot of corporate clients and Botswana Democratic Party functions.

Kudos to the owner. You know you’ve made it in life if a powerful leader calls you ‘My Water lily!”

Chilling' out Fri 04 November 2022
Dr Bonang Nkoane

Things they say

“It is something that should be done. These possible women candidates should be workshopped this coming year as a united opposition.

This disunity amongst opposition doesn’t make sense.” BNFWL President Dr Bonang Nkoane.

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