Chillin’ out


Things they say

Imagine a Local Promoter mo Botswana are ga a nkitse ebile gaa itse gore ke dira eng.

You know ke utlwile bothoko e bile ke fila gore Botswana is useless for me.

I need to leave this country and its people and go start new life elsewhere.

Ao ga ba nkitse, ga ba itse gore ke ira eng? Ijaa this is an insult to me mxm.

His words ‘Not seen what u do boss’

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Ijo! Ke lenyatso dadei xlaa- Actor, Jethro Umaga Ndebele.

Chillin' out

Sinner’s word of advice

Shaya watched a video by one of the Kwaito Weapons music band members urging people struggling to make it in the big city to go back to their home villages while they are still alive.

However the young man would do well to take his own advice because if Shaya remembers well, him and his twin brother have for sometime now been on the most wanted list for unpaid debts by various members of the public.

From Maun to Palapye, the twins have been wanted for unpaid rentals and many other types of debts.

They even dominated the Fight Crime Social Media page at one point.

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It is time you introspect young man!

Chillin' out
The Voice Senior Reporter: Sharon Mathala

Congrats shaz

Shaya would like to congratulate The Voice Senior Reporter, Sharon Mathala for making it into the Miss Botswana Top 30 panel of judges.

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Mathala has been selected together with some captains of the industry such as, Imaan Kader, Head of Marketing for Options, Tonderai Tsara, a co- founder of The Dialogue Group, Brando Keabile, Yarona FM Show host among others.

With outgoing Miss Botswana Palesa Molefe having made such a huge impact, Shaya hopes the panel will leave favouritism out and bring choose the best candidate.

Chillin' out

Of Donabw and Easy B

This week, Shaya was disturbed by the sad news of the arrest of Events Promoter, Easy B Sesupo of Home Coming Concert.

Easy B has a tendency of not paying people after shows and this has been going on for too long.

With the latest events, Shaya hopes the Legendary promoter has learnt a lesson and will do things the right way going forward.

The P28k debt could have been long settled. Ooh another disturbing news is that of Dona Bw, the upcoming comedian.

Shaya has been notified of his disappearance after promising to fix a car he accidentally hit this week.

Such bad publicity can cost you sponsors and gigs.

Chillin' out
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