Celeb Edition with Vusi Mooki aka Mavuso

Leungo Mokgwathi

“It’s Mavuso on the ones and twos baby!” 19 year old Kefilwe Vusi Mooki has become a Facebook sensation with her hilarious content and that unforgettable expression.

She comes from Goodhope and says putting into consideration how loud she was as a child, she is not surprised that she is this outgoing social butterfly that Batswana have grown to love this much.

Please introduce yourself to our readers who have not yet heard of Mavuso.

Let me introduce myself. Kefilwe Mooki are my names although I am famously known as Vusi Shekevilla, Mavuso on the ones and twos, the introduction of flame! I am a young ambitious lady of 19 years.

How best can you describe the work that you do?

Well, I do not regard myself as a celebrity but rather a public influencer. That is what I would label my day job.

What was your childhood like in Goodhope?

Growing up, I was the problem child! Wherever I was, be it school, home or at the playground, I was always the loudest in the room. Oftentimes, the name that was yelled was my name because I was just always causing trouble.

Many were introduced to Mavuso through the ‘wa go blocker’ video. Please breakdown the incident for us, what happened that led to the video.

So what happened was that I was in a relationship with this other guy from Ghetto. Our relationship was very popular and people knew us as the couple from Facebook.

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This guy then decided to go ahead and take pictures with another girl and had the audacity to post them on Facebook.

I reached out to confront him and imagine my shock when I realised that this guy had blocked me.

So I went live on Facebook and told my viewers about it and I ended up bawling my eyes out yelling “ha tswa ha, wa go blocker” (loosely translates to after that he blocks you, in reference to what the guy did to me).

A while after that we saw you seemingly happy and in love with Theo Smart, however the relationship was so short lived. What happened there?

When it comes to Theo Smart, there truly is not much to say there except that Theo Smart had one goal and one intention only, which was to use me.

He used me for my likes and he used me for other things too.

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The relationship did not last and honestly, it was not that deep!

Oska Bora Teachere, Raz Doko and Theo Smart, from this list, who would you kiss, marry or kill?

You know what, I am unsure about who I would kiss and marry from that list, however, what I am a hundred percent sure of is that from that list is that if killing someone you dislike was legal I would kill Theo Smart, no questions asked! But, I would kiss Raz Doko and marry Oska Bora Teachere.

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What is your biggest dream right now?

I am very passionate about empowering and uplifting others that are coming up after me.

My biggest dream is to build a foundation through my social media platforms that can empower both girls and boys to be the best versions of themselves.

I intend to do this by instilling confidence in them by helping them to discover their talents and use them to make better lives for themselves.

Which celebs and influencers do you wish to work with in future?

I would really love to work with Tshepang Mabaila. He has helped me a lot since I joined the industry. I can truly say the man gave me life.

Who is your celebrity crush

My celebrity crush is Chef Gustos himself!

Are you currently in a relationship?

Yes, I am, and his name is Brighton!

What can we expect from Mavuso in 2023?

This year I want to focus on giving back to my community and empowering young girls by offering motivational talks in schools.

Five things people don’t know about you?

  1. Contrary to popular belief, I am a very calm and collected person
  2. I like writing
  3. I am a poet
  4. I dropped out of school
  5. I became independent at the age of 14
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