Celeb Edition with M.O.D – MMP Family

Kitso Ramono

A member of the greatest hip-hop/Motswako to ever grace BW, MMP Family, is seemingly launching a solo career after almost 17 years together.

Modiri Nage, commonly known as M.O.D, joins us in this week’s celebrity corner to discuss the inner workings of the group as allegations of him ditching the family to focus on solo projects begin to swirl.

Could you please introduce yourself; Age, name, home village, etc?

Hi everyone! My real names are Modiri Nage AKA M. O. D. I am a third member of a group called MMP Family from Mmadinare village.

When did MMP family start and how did you guys meet?

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We met at junior school in Marulamantsi, Gaborone.

Mzico and Ples jay were in the same class while I as in a different class.

The love of music brought us together through school talent shows and rap battles we used to have after school, that’s when we decided to form a group called MMP family, a name derived from our initials and decided to move away from performing other artists songs at talent shows to write and perform our own instead.

Are you still a member of the group?

Eish! This is a question that I am asked almost every day, yes I am still a member of MMP family, remember MMP family is a household name and I will always be part of the group.

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I know people are confused seeing me dropping individual projects, all I can say is that this is just me multi-tasking, doing the style of rap that I love, and this is not to say that I don’t love what we do as a group.

Are you planning to release anything of your own soon?

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Yes, I am also dropping my own album as an individual titled ‘Happy Endings’ which has 20 songs, I have worked with multiple producers in this project which will drop late this year.

It is a powerful project with a different sound, in the meantime my followers can go and listen to the three singles I dropped last year, namely; Maphoi, Papito and Mid-week turn ups which is the latest.

Lebala ka nna is one of your latest hit smash hits, can you tell us how did that song come about?

Well, lebala ka nna is one of the songs that gave us a breakthrough that we needed in the music industry.

So here is the story, when we write our music we write looking at our reality, what happens in our daily lives.

So me and Ples jay were in love with girls who ditched us while we still loved them, then that heartbreak inspired us to write a Matswako hiphop song about our experiences That’s how Lebala ka nna came about.

What’s the weirdest thing a fan has done for you?

I cannot remember anything a fan has ever done for me or to me.

Mostly during our gigs we make sure that we come in on time and after the gig we do not hang around, its either we go to our hotel rooms or just go have fun at the studio if it’s a local gig.

Honestly I never had a weird encounter with our fans because I do not create a space for such.

How long have you been growing your dreads for? Will you ever cut them?

I have had my dreadlocks for over 15 years so far, but I once shaved them off trying to change my style, but after that I felt like I am no longer M.O.D, I was Modiri (chuckles).

So I had to put them back on again, I doubt I will ever cut them off again.

Can you name five things that most people don’t know about you?

  1. I am a very good cook.
  2. I am an introvert, I love spending my time in the studio
  3. I am a ladies’ man, the ladies love me.
  4. I make dope music.
  5. I love my dreads more than anything

Social media handles: Facebook_MOD Bigfun

  •  Youtube_ MOD BigfunTV
  • MOD_MMP Family
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