Celeb edition with Kitso Selato

Sharon Mathala
Kitso Selato

Short in stature but massive in sound, 32-year-old Kitso Selato is an R ‘n’ B singer whose career has flourished since announcing himself to the public as a My Star contestant in 2011.

The artist’s journey has since come full circle and he is now a respected judge on the popular music show.

Q. Since entering My Star eight years ago, you have enjoyed quite the music career.

A. Briefly summarise your journey in the industry.

The music industry is not easy to penetrate but I’ve been blessed to stay relevant for this long.

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I mostly engaged with corporate gigs because of my music genre, maybe that is why you won’t necessarily see me at music festivals.

I have also released quite a few singles, which have been rotating on radio.

Q. What was the hardest thing about taking part in My Star?

A. I think the hardest thing for me in the competition was identifying a specific sound, choice of song week in and week out isn’t an easy task!

I had support from a good friend of mine, Lazarus Kajane.

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We worked tirelessly to achieve the goal we set out to achieve.

Q. What qualities does one require in order to survive in a music competition?

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A. Dedication, believing in oneself and not expecting any support, even from family.

Most of us lose the passion when people don’t understand and support your dream.

Q. What is your fondest memory growing up?

A. I grew up in G West in a two-bedroomed apartment and I remember always looking over at Block 5 praying that someday we move there.

When I was doing Standard 6, my mom moved us there.

Having my own bedroom, in-house toilet, my own television set, that house felt like a mansion to me.

I was so happy.

Q. Who was the last person you texted and what did you say?

A. (Laughing) Why do you want to know that, I will not say!

Q. Any new music in the pipeline?

A. Yes, definitely!

I’ve been working on a new album and I am so excited about it.

I worked with some of the most amazing producers – you should look out for that.

Q. Tell us about your current role as a judge on My Star?

A. Lord, I am having the time of my life with that panel.

It is an amazing experience working with contestants who are hungry to win and want to be better.

The only frustrating part is sending some of them home knowing how badly they wanted it.

Some of them are so good but they lack support in terms of votes which really sucks!

Q. What advice would you give your ten year old self?

A. Ummmm, you are going to be just fine Kitso.

Q. Who is your celebrity crush?

A. I don’t have any.

I do not think I would date anyone who is in the spotlight – I know this business! (laughing).

Q. What’s your favorite song at the moment?

A. It would have to be one from my co judge, Amantle Brown – ‘Easy Bereka Mosadi’.

Q. If you had one superpower, what would you choose?

A. It would be how to read people’s minds.

Q. What is the one thing you do when no one is looking?

A. I like to sleep naked.

Q. Five things people don’t know about you?

  1. I don’t like shaking hands with guys in bathrooms for obvious reasons
  2. I like Kwasa Kwasa music
  3. I wish I was a bit taller!
  4. I have an amazing appetite for food
  5. I like make up
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