Celeb Edition with Edwin Moalosi

Sharon Mathala

Now 32, Edwin Moalosi is entering the twilight years of his football career; but what a career it’s been!

Known as Moluba to his legion of fans, the midfield maestro is a Township Rollers legend, winning the league five times with Popa.

The Otse native also enjoyed a successful four-year stint in the USA, where he turned out for South Florida Bulls.

However, despite all he has achieved on the football field domestically, Moalosi has just one Zebras cap to his name.

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Domestic football has been canceled for over a year now, so how have you been keeping fit?

I am a professional footballer so with all the restrictions, training and remaining fit has not been easy because we don’t do it at a minimum you know.

I have been reduced to taking daily morning jogs and in-house training.

At Rollers, we also have a free pass at Jack’s Gym so I go there when I need the gym.

And how have you been keeping busy?

It is really hard for us, that is a very emotional topic that we would probably need more time [to discuss] but I guess I have just been trying to figure out what to do with my life after football, I’m still trying to figure that one out!

I am a graduate with a Bachelors’s Degree, but I can’t work or find a contract because I am contracted to Township Rollers.

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So I have just been hanging on and trying, by all means, to find multiple sources of income even though things have been tough because of Covid-19.

What do you think about the new Zebras kit?

I don’t have a problem with it. It’s dope! I am actually more excited about the new Rollers jersey (laughs).

We have a female BFA CEO now, what would you say are the priority areas she should focus on?

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She should focus on getting competitive football back, for now, that is the only thing she should be focusing on – if she is not already I would be very disappointed.

What bad habit did you pick up during Covid-19?

Watching TV all day and not moving from the couch!

If you were President for one day, what is the first thing you would do in office?

If you mean President of BFA, I think I would fight to have football.

Also, I would try by all means to try and find ways to develop girls/women football from the grassroots.

I noted that in progressive countries like the USA girls play with boys at the academy level until the age of 8-10.

That helps them develop strength.

What is the most expensive item of clothing you own?

(Laughs) Why do you want to know that? Well, it would have to be my Del Toro dress-up sneaker.

Have you ever cried after a break-up?

Even though I was the one who messed up, yeah I did. I haven’t found love since (laughing).

Are your jeans and t-shirt type or do you prefer to be suited and booted?

I think I love suits but being a sports person you try to be as comfortable as you can. So I mostly feel right with jeans and tees.

Five things people don’t know about you?

1. I am still a bachelor
2. I don’t have children
3. I am a graduate
4. I am a huge Manchester United fan!
5. I LOVE beef ribs

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