Celeb edition with Abigail Isaac

Daniel Chida

Btv’s revamped Saturday night entertainment show, Pula Power has returned with a 27-year-old (soon to be 28!) Abigail Isaac at the helm.

When she’s not presenting live to the nation, the creative-cum-entrepreneur also promotes events.

How did you land your current gig?

I attended auditions in 2018 just like anyone else; I thought I did well but unfortunately, I didn’t cut.

That did not stop me from contacting my now boss, Thabiso Maretlwaneng, and telling him how much I deserved to be a presenter on his show – that really took a lot of guts!

He responded to me after a couple of months and that’s when they put me to the test.

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They were happy with what they saw and the rest is history.

What’s the best part of being a show host?

I love the entertainment industry as a whole but what stands out for me is the fact that I get to meet my favourite celebrities and get to know them on a more personal level.

Also just being in front of the camera has helped me overcome my anxiety and self-confidence.

Do you see any growth in the entertainment industry?

Our entertainment industry as a whole is growing every single day, in the sense that I see a lot of young and upcoming entertainers in their respective fields changing the narrative and pushing our arts to more international markets, and actually gaining recognition beyond our borders.

Batswana are becoming more and more supportive of their own so there is definitely exponential growth.

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If only our government could be more supportive then we would definitely be far by now.

Who do you regard as ‘the baddest’ artist in the country?

That’s a tough one because a lot of artists are really pushing their crafts and becoming more and more competitive so it’s hard to pin point just one artist whom I consider ‘the worst.

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But if I was to choose one I would undoubtedly say ATI.

A little birdie tells us you’re turning tomorrow [Saturday] – happy birthday in advance, what are you expecting from your circle?

I am honestly blessed with a loving circle of friends and family so I know for sure that they’re going to make my birthday worthwhile.

I have a feeling they have a surprise planned because they’re being very dodgy but I guess we’ll see.

Post Covid-19, where would you like to go?

I would really love to travel the whole world but if there’s one place I would love to visit it’s the Maldives.

It has always been on my bucket list. Hopefully, I save enough money to fulfill that.

When was the last time you really laughed hard?

My best friend is a comedian so the last time I laughed hard was when I went to a comedy night he was performing at.

Baldwin Bals or Rekunde?

Baldwin Bals.

Five things people don’t know about you?

1. I’m very, very, very shy
2. I’m a very fun person to be around
3. I value friendship a lot
4. I’m such a tomboy
5. I write a lot of poetry and songs

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