Business as usual

Christinah Motlhabane
Otsile Simon
  • Working on Independence Day

While the majority of us used the Independence Holidays to relax and escape from the everyday stresses of work, for some hardy souls it was very much business as usual.

Voice Money’s CHRISTINAH MOTLHABANE caught up with a few who had no option but to report for duty while the rest of the country celebrated with loved ones…

Otsile Simon (40,News vendor )

Things have changed, Independence Day was enjoyable before the world was hit by Covid.

Now everything took a U-turn, there is no money.

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I am a news vendor so on this Independence Day I was selling newspapers like The Voice, Mmegi and The Patriot.

Business was really slow as there were few people in town – even The Voice wasn’t selling and that never happens!

After knocking off at around 4pm, I went straight home to rest as I was exhausted from walking the streets in the scorching sun.

Business as usual
Keeme Tsheko

Keeme Tsheko (27, Tv technician)

Life is very difficult this time around, there is no money!

During the holidays I saw an opportunity to make some extra cash as there were very few people left in town so competition was not as fierce as normal.

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So I was here at the market repairing TVs all day.

I made a little bit of income that I would not have made if it was not for the holidays.

And Independence Day is boring; it is just like any other day, there is nothing special about it.

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Business as usual
Kesentseng Jabavu

Kesentseng Jabavu (37, Security Guard)

On holidays we have to work as there will be few people in town and that is when properties need to be highly protected.

As usual, I was sat at my post guarding the FNB ATM in town.

After work, we prepared a nice meal with my children and my friend Bonani visited me.

So I can say I still enjoyed as I had a special time with the people I love.

Business as usual
Clinton Johnson

Clinton Johnson (27, Shop assistant)

Working on a holiday is stressful but there is nothing we can do.

I work in a Chinese shop and was on duty the whole day, eventually knocking off at 1600 hours.

After work we braaid some meat with my family at home and we were playing music and dancing.

In a nutshell, I can say I had a good time.

Business as usual
Fidelity Rasebolai

Fidelity Rasebolai (31, Tv Technician)

Independence Day was nice even though I was working.

I bought myself some few drinks since I am self-employed and took them to work with me.

As I was working, I played some music and had my drinks.

I enjoyed like anyone else.

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I did not have money to go to the village and it is a good time to hustle.

Business as usual
Catherine Moemedi

Catherine Moemedi (28, The Voice Reporter)

Even though I was very busy at work, I enjoyed my Independence Day so much.

I was covering a three-day event called The Maun Carnival, where they were showcasing music and culture.

I really learnt a lot though I wished to spend the holidays with my family.

I do not mind missing the next Independence Day to once again cover the Carnival because I had fun, the buzz and excitement in Maun was brilliant.

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