BRCS undergoes transformation

Portia Mlilo
EXECUTIVE: Botswana Red Cross Committee

Botswana Red Cross Society (BRCS) Secretary General, Kutlwano Mukokomani, says they are in the process of transformation, restoration and growth.

Mukokomani said this on Monday when giving the media an insight into the BRSC and sharing the Society’s roadmap.

He said they want to transform and position themselves as a partner of choice in the humanitarian space.

He said it is critical to be a credible and trusted Non-Governmental Organisation. “It pleases me to mention that some of our objectives are slowly being realised amidst the COVID-19 challenges. Late last year we developed and commissioned the society’s 2020-2025 strategic plan, the revised constitution and youth policy. These three are very important to our survival and operations moving forward as they will ensure that we operate with agility, as efficient and effective and deliver quality services to those we serve,” said Mukokomani

However, the Secretary General said the rolling out of the strategic plan has not been as timely as they had expected due to the COVID-19 outbreak which has adversely affected organisational operations.

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Mukokomani believes the transformation will bring about stability to their membership and mandate and ensure that they re-ignite the spirit of volunteerism in the youth.

He said BRCS takes pride in many milestones like responding to health emergencies and challenges, social services and disaster management. Mukokomani said they have contributed significantly towards various health emergencies in the country over the years like malaria outbreak, TB outbreak and diarrhea outbreak.

Giving an update on their response to COVID-19 BRCS Health Coordinator, Neo Mogowa, said the aim of their interventions has been to support Government to implement a comprehensive response to prevent and control COVID-19 by implementing community-based activities.

She said from March, they activated over 4000 out of the 10 000 volunteers to be ready for deployment.

“This was followed by training to build capacity and build enhanced skills in preparation for the response. Training was focused on Risk Communication and Community engagement, Protection, Gender and Inclusion, psycho-social support and Gender Based Violence. Our response focused on water sanitation and hygiene, public health education, provision of Personal Protective Equipment, food relief and shelter,” said Mogowa.

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