Bomaid launches new medical aid for SA students


Bomaid has introduced Happy Student, an extended medical aid cover at no extra cost.

This product is specifically aimed at members that have dependents studying in South Africa.

The new Happy Student offering from Bomaid is a robust response to the current challenging times in the market to continue to offer its members superior medical aid cover and value. The new product is aimed at supporting Bomaid members while the new health dynamics brought on by COVID -19 are still evolving.

Essentially Bomaid is now offering double medical cover for dependents of members who may be studying in SA at the price of just one subscription fee.

This was achieved by partnering with Makoti Medical Scheme which will provide a second medical aid cover in South Africa at no extra charge.

Members will continue to pay their Bomaid subscription fee in Botswana and any dependents studying in South Africa will be covered by Makoti.

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Bomaid CEO, Moraki Mokgosana said, “Following a review of our offerings we began an innovative partnership with a South African based medical aid, called Makoti Medical Scheme. This partnership enabled us to extend cover to dependents of Bomaid members schooling in South Africa at no extra charge. We are proud to increase value for our members during a globally challenging time and, best of all, help our members manage costs as they focus on securing the future of their children through education. We appreciate that life as we know it has changed drastically, however with our extended cover our members can navigate the new normal with further assurance.”

“The global onset of the COVID-19 virus caused our business to introspect and dig deeper to find a way to continue to offer Bomaid members the leading health cover and value that they expect from us,” said Bomaid Chief Operations Officer (COO), Thato Kubu.

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