BNF breakdown

Daniel Chida
  • Team Bucs threaten congress ‘no show’

Botswana National Front (BNF)’s lobby group ‘Team Bucs’ led by Dr. Baatlhodi Bucs Molatlhegi has threatened to withdraw from the party congress billed for 16 to 19 July.

The group’s Campaign Manager, Kaboyaone Sedimo told The Voice they will not allow their party and its members to be subjected to a congress that lacks credibility and legitimacy.

“We are weighing our options and shall advise BNF members and the nation accordingly on the way forward,” stated Sedimo, adding their main gripe relates to the preparation and conduct of the planned congress.

Insisting they have done ‘everything possible to engage the BNF leadership over their concerns, Sedimo said, “All our letters, including our request for meetings with the National Executive Committee, remain unanswered. We are being denied the opportunity to have our concerns addressed within the BNF structures. We believe BNF members should know this.”

He poured scorn on the registration process for party membership, saying those deemed sympathetic to ‘Team Bucs’ were being deliberately shunned.

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“As an example, the Phakalane Ward in Gaborone North paid for membership cards in January/February 2022. This was submitted in accordance with the procedure laid down by the Central Committee. No membership cards were issued to any of the applicants from Phakalane ward notwithstanding our persistent inquiries. Card fees for all wards in Bobonong were paid for at the same time and following the procedure determined by the Central Committee. No single card was issued notwithstanding that the membership fees were paid,” he said.

A seething Seedimo further accused Party employees central to the conduct of elections, of showing bias and unwavering support to BNF President, Duma Boko’s lobby group.

“In fact such employees were found in the middle of the night in the Party office, adding members to the register beyond the cut-off date set by the NEC. They are awaiting disciplinary action and given this, we have demanded the removal of the implicated staff from any participation in the preparations for and conduct of Congress including the elections of the Central Committee. The Central Committee has not responded to our demand in this respect.”

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