BLLAHWU bosses read the riot act to members

Daniel Chida
NOT AMUSED: Ketlhalefile Motshegwa

President of Botswana Land Boards Local Authorities and Health Workers Union (BLLAHWU) Thatayaone Kesebonye has warned members against taking the Union matters to court as this may lead to their expulsion.

The stern warning came after a court battle between Kesebonye and his Secretary General, Ketlhalefile Motshegwa against Baone Seloka and Letsatsi Modise when they sought the court to pronounce on the legality or lack thereof of the extension of Motshegwa’s term in office.

Seloka and Modise had argued that there was one constitution that was approved in 2015 and then the other one amended and approved in 2021 and therefore the court must rule on which one was legitimate.

Their contention was that the amendment to the 2015 constitution was done specifically to cater to Motshegwa’s needs

However Seloka was expelled from the Union but together with his partner, the two have now turned to the Registrar of Societies to help them determine which constitution is applicable.

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When addressing the media this week, Kesebonye said that the Union will institute disciplinary action against members who cause instability and anarchy in the Union and expel all those who take the Union to court.

“The approach is that internal processes be utilised which will include amongst others internal open debates, inner democracy and democratic centralism,” said Kesebonye

Meanwhile, Motshegwa lashed at Directorate of Public Service Management (DPSM) and labeled it, ‘stubborn’ for not registering the Bargaining Council. “We don’t know what is happening behind the scenes because even when President Mokgweetsi Masisi took over the presidency, he made it clear that the registration of the council was going to be prioritised.”

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