Beware a woman scorned


*Man secures restraining order against violent, love-struck ex.

It is almost three years since Masego Wame Poitshego was dumped by her baby daddy.

However, time has not healed her broken heart.

The 30-year-old’s failure to move on has landed her in trouble with the law on more than one occasion, with her frustration turning increasingly violent over the years.

Fed-up with Poitshego’s volatile behaviour and telling court he feared for his life, Kago Rakwadi successfully secured a restraining order against his former lover this week.

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The 33-year-old Molepolole man told the Magistrates Court Poitshego had made his life a living hell ever since he terminated their relationship back in May 2018.

Having walked out on his baby mama a few months after she gave birth to their son, Rakwadi revealed Poitshego falsely accused him of failing to maintain the child and dragged him to court.

“I started paying P400 for maintenance as ordered by the court since October 2018 up to date. But she is still threatening me, to an extent that she visits my work place uttering abusive words to me that I am a thief, telling my bosses to chase me from work as I will steal their properties,” testified the visibly unhappy father.

Rakwadi also accused Poitshego – who happens to be his neighbour in Phuthadikobo ward – of attacking his new girlfriend in the presence of her parents.

“Last month she attacked my girlfriend at her place and bit her on her cheek. My girlfriend went to report before the police and when the police called her for the case she failed to avail herself,” continued the agitated man, shuffling his feet nervously as he added that Poitshego once poured boiling water on him – an offence for which she pleaded guilty to before Molepolole Customary Court back in July 2018.

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According to the facts of that case, on the night of 17 July 2018, while they were both out drinking in town, Poitshego proposed love to Rakwadi, urging her ex-lover to take her home for a steamy night of romance for old times sake.

Although he declined the offer, Rakwadi was eventually persuaded to accompany her home as she was alone.

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Inevitably, they ended up sleeping together.

LOVE STRUCK: Poitshego

The night of love-making had dire consequences for Rakwadi, literally landing him in hot water. The following morning, at around 4am, Poitshego began preparing a bath for Rakwadi, heating water in a pan so he could wash before work.

However, her actions masked a sinister motive.

She then hurled the water at her former lover’s face, threatening to go the police and tell them he had raped her.

Fortunately, Rakwadi avoided any serious scarring.

In the end, Bakwena Deputy Paramount Chief, Lawrence Mhaladi sentenced Poitshego to six months imprisonment, suspended for 12 months provided she did not commit another offence in that time.

According to Rakwadi, the abuse has continued ever since, leaving him with no option but to turn to the Magistrates Court for protection.

Apologising for her actions and begging both court’s and Rakwadi’s forgiveness, the love-struck lady explained she becomes jealous when she finds him with another woman.

“I still love him that’s why sometimes I harass him!” she admitted with a shy shrug.

Speaking to The Voice after an earlier court appearance, Poitshego claimed she is not solely to blame as Rakwadi also hassles her.

“We harass each other. Once he sends me messages I also respond to him!” she said, adding they had been together for about four years before Rakwadi spilt.

She will now have to keep her distance from her one-time lover or risk getting sent to jail.

On Tuesday, Chief Magistrate, Goabaone Rammapudi-Lesedi warned Poitshego to stay away from Rakwadi, banning her from visiting him or entering his place of residence.

The Magistrate advised Poitshego to control her emotions in future and refrain from unbecoming conduct that could land her in trouble in the future.

The duo were further advised to find a common ground in order to raise their three-year-old son without abuse.

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