Beware a broken heart

NOTHING TO SAY: Molefe kept her silence in court

Woman accused of threatening ex’s new lover in midnight tirade

Apparently unable to accept that her man had moved on without her, a jilted woman allegedly threatened to kill her ex-boyfriend’s new lover in a midnight showdown in Molepolole.

As well as promising to bring death to her perceived love rival, Golebanye Molefe, 42, reportedly also labelled the other woman’s mother a witch who had given her daughter powerful traditional medicine to help steal her boyfriend.

According to the facts before court, Molefe turned up at 37-year-old Tsaone Patience Leburu’s home in Bokane ward at around midnight on 25th October.

With Leburu fast asleep, Molefe reportedly went around the house banging on the windows, demanding the sleeping woman return her ‘stolen’ boyfriend.

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She also allegedly screamed for Leburu’s mum to open the door, angrily accusing the older lady of witchcraft.

Turning her frustrations on her former lover’s new girlfriend, Molefe continued her insults, apparently calling Leburu a ‘b#*&h’ and shouting out for her ex-boyfriend, who in fact was not there at the time.

“Ke tsile go go bolaya, o ngwaga ga o fele ke sa go bolaya! (I am going to kill you before end of this year),” is the alleged threat that ultimately landed the heartbroken Molefe in trouble.

As this was apparently not the first time she had caused trouble for Leburu, the other woman felt compelled to seek assistance from the police, who duly registered the matter before court.

During her mention at Molepolole Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday, the suspect, who, unlike during her alleged late night tirade chose to keep her silence when given the chance to address court, was granted conditional bail.

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For her freedom, Molefe had to fork out P1,500 and provide a surety bound to the same amount. She was also ordered to keep away from the complainant’s house and warned that should she bump into Leburu in the village, she must keep a distance of at least 100m between them.

Having managed to meet the financial part of her bail conditions, Molefe left court in handcuffs and was transported back to prison to collect her belongings to take home.
She will spend the Christmas holidays a free woman and is not due back in court until 21st January, 2022.

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