All change in Staywell murder case

Portia Mlilo
IN THE LIMELIGHT: Staywell Hotel

Three of the four suspects in last year’s brutal StayWell Hotel stabbing have seen their murder charges downgraded to assault.

The fourth accused, Botswana Defence Force (BDF) soldier, Karabo Sephai, 31, was not so lucky, and will stand trial as the sole individual accused of ending Gape Mannathoko’s young life.

In full view of startled bystanders, the 30-year-old was stabbed to death with a screwdriver on 5 March 2022, during a violent, late night fallout at the now defunct StayWell nightclub in Mogoditshane.

It is believed Mannathoko died a hero, attempting to intervene when he spotted his friend being harassed by a group of men.

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He paid dearly for his bravery, with the group turning their anger on him instead, stabbing him in the chest and multiple times on his legs.

Initially, Sephai, as well as Kealeboga Molefi, 35, Phenyo Kasale, 29, and Koketso Dipeba. 36. were all deemed equally responsible for Mannathoko’s murder.

However, this changed dramatically on Tuesday, when the quartet appeared before Broadhurst Magistrate Court for status update.

With police investigations complete, the prosecution revealed they now believe the finger of blame points squarely to Sephai, with his co-accused playing a minor role in the matter.

It got worse for the disgraced soldier, whose bail was revoked pending trial date, while the other three were allowed to continue their lives on the outside.

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