FSS top achiever, a future Botswana President
“There’s no hurry. I’ve so much time to think about what I want to do with my life.”
These are the words of 18-year- old Elvis Sefalana, who is amongst the country’s 14 BGCSE Top achievers of 2022. The former Francistown Senior School student got six A*, two As and three Bs.
On Wednesday afternoon a small group led by Minister of Youth, Gender, Sports and Culture, Buti Billy gathered to honour the lanky genius from Coloured location in Francistown.
Described as a well behaved child by various speakers, the young Sefalana had displayed his academic genius at a very young age.
“At Primary school he was untouchable, he was just better than everyone,” said Billy.
The minister said despite his poor background, Sefalana has always remained focused and showed his interest in education.
“Despite coming from a location like Colored, he never lost focus, and now remains an inspiration for many other young men and girls in the same hood, that they too can excel academically. I’m happy to have a learner who’s motivated by the area he lived in, who has successfully fought against the temptation to engage in drugs and alcohol,” the minister said.
Billy also revealed that the intelligent young man was adopted by a Chinese couple who run Amanda Fashion in 2017 and they assisted him financially until he sat for his BGCSE.
“It’s not only about the support he received, but all to do with the motivation in him. I think he’s the future president of this country,” quipped the minister.
Sefalana aced his PSL, scoring 6As and 1B, repeating the feat at Junior school with 5As and 4Bs.
His adoptive father, Yongbin Shen, said he was proud of what Sefalana has achieved and wishes to see him pursue his education to become one of the country’s leading intellectuals.
“My wife was a teacher back in China and that’s why it was easy to assist Elvis because we know the importance of education,” said Shen.
Her equally excited aunt, Obonye Sefalana, said his nephew has always been in the public eye from a young age.
“His academic achievements from primary and junior School turned him into a celebrity at a very young age,” she said.
It was the attention that motivated Sefalana to do well.
“Everywhere I went people shouted my name in the streets of Colored. They used to tell me that they were counting on me to do well,” he said with a chuckle.
“I used to get all the accolades at Satellite Primary, and said I was their only hope,” added Sefalana.
Kgosi Masunga of Phase V Customary Court pleaded with the Shen family to do all in the power to ensure that Colored’s brightest kid gets a scholarship to study in China.
For the young man though, while he has dreams about studying abroad, there’s no rush.
“There’s still time to think about what I want to do,” was his response when he was asked about future plans.