We’re all equal- Phage

Daniel Chida

Members of opposition parties have been urged to guard against those who come with ‘Big Brother Mentality’ during opposition talks.

When addressing the Opposition Cooperation Forum star rally at Diphetogo grounds in Gaborone on Saturday, Botswana Patriotic Front’s member, Phagenyana Phage said that members should stop the big brother mentality if they want their mission of removing the Botswana Democratic Party to succeed.

He said that the down fall of the opposition unity will be when some think they are superior than others.

He said that all parties should be treated the same.

Phage said that as talks begin, it should be noted that the BPF was not part of the coalition going into 2019 elections. “BPF will help the opposition to take government from the BDP but we should guard against BDP members who will be disguising as our members, they will derail us.”

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He however, pleaded with the Opposition Cooperation Forum to allocate Moshupa/ Manyana Constituency to BPF because they want to snatch it from Masisi. “We want to start in Masisi’s home village,” he added.

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