Threat to kill suspect remanded in custody


A Molepolole man who allegedly destroyed his neighbour’s kraal and threatened to kill him for protesting has been remanded in custody pending police investigations.

The accused, Omphitlhetse Lekong (43), on December 4th last year at Mosinki lands is alleged to have threatened Keorapetse Baakanyang by uttering the words “ke tla go bolaya setlhodi ke wena abo ke ipolaya, selepe se kae ke bolaye ntsa e, lefa nka bona sengwe se se bogale se nka mo gebetlelelang ka sone” loosely translated: ‘I will kill you and kill myself, where can I find an axe or something sharp to kill this dog and cut it into pieces’.

The incident is said to have occurred in the afternoon when 61-year-old Baakanyang realised that his kraal had been destroyed and went to ask Lekong who, belligerently beating his chest, told him that he was the one who destroyed the kraal and grabbed him by the clothes pushing him to the ground.

As the elderly man lost control, Lekong allegedly hit him with a stick and dragged him from his yard.

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Baakanyang was allegedly rescued by his son after hearing him screaming for help.

Lekong is said to have kept on assaulting Baakanyang till he reached his yard where he asked the son where they kept the axe and the son told him that they did not have any axe.

During arraignment, state prosecutor Sub Inspector Maureen Segokgo pleaded with the court to remand Lekong as the investigating officer was still to record a statement from one witness who had been refusing to record the statement for fear of the accused.

“The witness’s parents had promised to assist by bringing her to record the statement at the police statement. I have also assigned the investigating officer to inquire about the safety of the complainant since he stays in the same area as the accused,” said Segokgo.

Principal Magistrate Kefilwe Resheng remanded Lekong in custody till the next mention set for January 17th, 2020.

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