Sex pest on the run

Christinah Motlhabane
Sex pest on the run

*Attempted rape suspect flees scene in his underwear

Police in Marapong are on a manhunt for a herd boy who’s been on the run since 26th December following a failed attempt to rape a 68 year old granny at Mautwakgang lands.

The incident was confirmed in a telephone interview by Tatitown Police Assistant Station Commander, Superintendent Modisa Kgathang.

Kgathang said the suspect who works as a herd boy had been drinking at the victim’s place where he was later offered accommodation as it was already late in the night.

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“According to the report the old woman was awoken by movement in her room around 2am. She then saw the herd boy who was only wearing his underwear leering at her,” Kgathang said.

The Station Commander said the fully erect young man proceeded to ask for sex from the panic-stricken granny, advances which were contemptuously rejected.

With a bruised ego, and a throbbing pain in the pants, the suspect tried to force himself on to the horrified old woman.

“The woman screamed and the herd boy fled immediately. He’s a well known young man in the village, and the search for him continues,” he said.

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