School girl gives birth and buries baby

A 17-year-old Form 2 girl at Tshimologo Junior Secondary School this week appeared before a Ghanzi Magistrates Court after she secretly delivered a baby and buried it in the backyard.

The girl is facing a charge of concealment of birth and since she is below the age of 18, she has not been remanded in custody.

She was handed over to the social workers and her parents while the police investigations are ongoing.

She was reported by the health practitioners to Ghanzi police after they attended to her during her visit at the hospital.

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Confirming the bizarre incident, Superintendent Tizhani Kobole of Kalkfontein Police, revealed that the girl was not feeling well and she went to the hospital last week Wednesday.

“When they examined her, they suspected she might have committed abortion and she finally confessed that she terminated the pregnancy on August 22nd, 2020” he said.

The girl is said to have been staying with her parents and she did not inform them about her pregnancy.

The parents claimed they did not realise she was pregnant since it is winter and she had been overdressed most of the time, making it difficult for them to notice the change in her physique.

However, Superintendent Kobole revealed that the girl was 9 months pregnant and they will take the foetus for DNA testing at the forensic laboratory.

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He said in such incidents, when found guilty, one can be sentenced to a prison term of two years.

The girl will appear for mention next year January.

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