New packaging, same great taste

Portia Mlilo
PHOTO OP: Real Tea official packaging launch
Real tea reveals revamped branding

The country’s first home-brewed tea brand, Real Tea has officially launched its new and improved packaging.

Funded by Citizen Entrepreneurial Development Agency (CEDA) Real Tea entered the market in 2017.

Speaking at the reveal of the spruced-up branding, the Director of Motherwell Investment Gibson Ntibi said as a manufacturing entity they have encountered a lot of challenges before they could find their footing.

Listing Real Tea with wholesalers and retailers as well as getting a fair shelve space in some stores was never easy and is still an issue to date, Ntibi said.

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“The product is either placed on top shelves where it’s not easily accessible to customers or at the bottom, where customers hardly ever notice it. Our product re-branding doesn’t mean coming up with a new logo only, it is specifically meant to change the public perception of our product and organisation. This packaging change was inspired by feedback we received from our customers. It was a move made to differentiate it from other green teas or herbal teas,” Ntibi explained.

The strategy, the director further explained was to export the tea hence the new packaging designed to be competitive in international markets with its newly acquired Botswana Pride Mark.

Ntibi assured customers that what changed is only the product branding and design while the tea has retained its great taste that customers are now used to.

For his part, the Minister of Investment Trade and Industry Mmusi Kgafela said the ministry is proud to have been a part of the journey of Real Tea from inception when they officially opened the tea factory.

New packaging, same great taste
IMPRESSED: Minister Kgafela

The minister noted that the Real Tea employment rate has increased from 14 to 39, while the company’s investment has shot up from P3.2 million to P 4 million from 2017 to date.

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“Packaging plays a role in market entry and the design reflects the brand identity. It brings the brand to life, from the visual appearance and feel of the packaging to its functionality and sustainability. Re-vamping and improving product packaging is not only an indicator of keeping up with current trends but also shows product quality improvement. My Ministry is truly excited that the company has managed to penetrate the local market having been listed in over 183 shops across the country,” said Kgafela

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