New Era college employees contribute P28.000.00 to National COVID-19 Pandmic Relief Fund


The employees of New Era College of Arts Science & Technology have shown their compassion for others and demonstrated the spirit of selflessness in these difficult times, through pledging a portion of their May salaries to the National COVID-19 Relief fund.

The Education Sector was one of the first industries to be affected by the lockdown due to the interactive nature of their working environment. Never the less, 30 New Era College employees saw it fit to unite and contribute up to 15% of their May salary to the national Relief Fund. This thoughtful gesture amounted to a total of P28,000.00, which they believe will go a long way in fighting this global epidemic and the economic implications it has had on the Nation.

Giving her remarks about the contribution, New Era College Library Assistant Officer Ms. Refilwe Molathegi said, “I decided to play a role by sharing the little I have with the nation. As a New Era College employee, this donation means I play a part in Corporate Social Responsibility.”

Another employee of the College, Senior Lecturer in Telecommunications Department, Mr. Mpho Somolekae commented “Being a superhero is not always about wearing a cape. I decided to take part in this in order to help someone in need. I believe that together we can beat COVID-19.”

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In April 2020, the College donated P100, 000.00 to the National COVID-19 Relief fund. This donation by its staff members is a display of the traditional Setswana values of pooling together resources in times of need, and is a testament to the positive impact the College has had on its community in its 10 years of existence through engendering a strong spirit of social responsibility in all who pass through its doors.

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