Maun crown queen of Valentine

Cathrine Moemedi
BEAUTY QUEENS: Gokemo Othata Poonyane, Bino Balebetse and Katlego Mpala

As a way of celebrating love, Khumo Pearl Motladiile organized the first annual Valentine Queen pageant over the weekend in Maun. The pageant, which was held at Nhabe museum attracted young girls from the age of 5- 25 competing in three different categories of Little Queen, Junior Teen Queen and Queens of valentine respectively

Motladiile said she decided to organize this pageant to mentor and educate young girls and women on family issues like divorce and gender based violence as they can also be victims.

“Most of the decisions we make affect our children. Our children are victims of failed marriages and separations. I have decided to preach the message of unity through this pageant in February because it is the month of love with one day, February 14th set aside to celebrate love and there cannot be unity if there is no love,” said Motladiile.

According to Motladiile often when parents separate children are forced to choose one parent over another and they often end up growing up lacking and needing the love of the other parent. Such children grow up with identity crisis and suicidal tendencies, Motladiile explained.

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“I had assigned the competing queens in this pageant to centre their projects around spreading love for a positive impact in their communities in a bid to encourage them to be good members of the society,” revealed Motladiile.

After two weeks of practice and hard work, Gokemo Othata Poonyane(9) scooped the Little Queen of Valentine, while Katlego Mpala (16) won the Teen Queen Of Valentine and 20-year-old Balebetse Bino was crowned the Queen of Valentine title.

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