Man kills pensioner girlfriend

ACCUSED: Rakeitebetse

A 60-year-old man shocked the court when he was arraigned last Tuesday charged with the murder of his 65-year-old girlfriend.

The accused, Mmoloki Rakeitebetse, on the night of March 7th, 2020 at Makalamabedi lands near Takatotwane village, is alleged to have murdered his girlfriend, Kebathokile Mokgweba by hitting her with a stick on the face.

The remorseful elderly man was quick to admit to the offense when the charge sheet was read out to him, but magistrate Kefilwe Resheng ordered that his plea be reserved.

Prosecutor Sub Inspector Potso Kealeboga pleaded with the court for Rakeitebetse to be incarcerated as the investigations needed ample time and he filed a bail opposing affidavit before the court.
“The deceased is still lying at Scottish Livingstone Hospital mortuary awaiting post-mortem and we have not yet visited the scene of crime,” said Kealeboga.

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It is alleged that on the fateful day the cohabiting elderly couple had a misunderstanding after arriving home from an entertainment session.

The angry 65-year-old woman is said to have poured a pot full of hot water on her boyfriend, further escalating the dispute into a full brawl.

The elderly couple went to bed after the fight and the following morning Rakeitebetse woke up to a depressing sight of sorrow as his lover lay dead on their bed.

He then informed Mokgweba’s family and the matter was reported to the police and Rakeitebetse was arrested.

He will appear for mention before Molepolole Magistrates’ Court on March 31st, 2020.

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