Making the most of LOCKDOWN

Ashley Thaba
Talking with the Thabas

“This week every day think of that which you have to be grateful for!”

With the Corona spreading and wreaking havoc on the entire world – shutting down economies, forcing families into lock down, and killing thousands of innocent people –many are only looking at the negative.

It is hard to NOT do that when the world is coming crashing down in a way that has never been seen before in many of our lifetimes. However, they say every dark cloud has a silver lining.

I would like to encourage you… no actually let me challenge you. This week every day think of that which you have to be grateful for. Let me give a few examples to get it started.

I always feel I am so busy I don’t have time to get proper rest. I am grateful now that Botswana, the country I live in, is in total lock down I will finally catch up hopefully on YEARS of lack of sleep! I always feel like my schedule is too busy to spend quality time with God.

I absolutely love when I get a few hours to read my Bible and meditate on God’s word and listen to what He is saying to me and allow Him to refresh my soul, but in my busy schedule those times of solitude and reflection which strengthen my character and build my inner strength are not easy to come by. I am hoping now I will be able to discipline myself to have those times every day.

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So many days my children ask me to do something with them such as: play a game, read a book, build a tower, let them paint my nails as they play salon, etc. My busy schedule doesn’t allow me to say yes as much as I want. Frequently, in the hustle and bustle, I make these self-goals saying “this weekend I am going to make sure I read a book with my daughter.” Then that weekend comes and some urgent thing comes up and the self-goal goes out the window. I am looking forward to being able to finally fulfill some of those goals and really connect with my children and build some beautiful memories.

Speaking of children, another goal I have is to be able to train them to be independent responsible adults, but let’s get real. It takes WORK to train kids and many times it is easier to do the job myself rather than get the kids to do it. I am excited to finally have the time to really sit there and train them to properly mop floors, wipe counters, water the garden without leaving holes where they blast the dirt with the hose pipe, cook a variety of meals, and wash the dishes without leaving traces of food all over.

Another thing we LOVE doing with our children is having “quiet times” with them. We set the timer for 30 minutes and each of my kids gets a devotional book of some sort or the Bible. We have a family “quiet time” where each child and Percy and I read our Bibles/ devotional book for 30 minutes. No one is allowed to talk. If they do, 5 minutes is added to the timer.

At the end of the 30 minutes, we all share what God taught us and what we learned during that time and end it all off praying God will help us apply what we learned. We LOVE doing these!

When I get her to be quiet, even my 7 year old likes these times! All 5 of us sitting in a room simultaneously reading and learning and then sharing fresh insights encouraging one another – DREAMY! Yet, you guessed it – we rarely have the time to do them! Again, silver lining to literally being on lock down – we should have the time to do these more often!

Lest you think it is all serious here, I am also looking forward to turning on music and dancing with the kids and Percy, staying up late playing family games and watching movies. I know this is a serious disease with awful consequences which have destroyed many lives.

I could focus on that fact only and probably be overwhelmed with stress right now and worry about if and when it will hit my family.

But, here’s the thing – me worrying about that won’t prevent that day from coming. It will just rob me of the day God has given me today to REST, enjoy my family, and finally do some of the things I have been wanting to do for a while anyway.

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Let me confess that I am tempted to worry and stress, but God’s word is leading me in a different direction. Every time worry feels my mind, God gently whispers, “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life…

Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?…But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Matthew 6:25-27&33-34

Please watch this coming Sunday at 7:30pm. BTV as we will discuss how exactly to SEEK FIRST GOD’S Righteousness in MARRIAGE! ☺ You will learn practical tips on what it looks like to put God first in marriage AND you will get the joy of listening to Percy sing! You don’t want to miss it!

May you find joy in the trial and train your mind to focus on that which is good so that you can enjoy the beauty of today.

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Ashley Thaba is a popular author, motivational speaker and media personality. You can view some of her work on her YouTube channel: Ashley Thaba.

You can buy two of her books, Dive In and Conquering the Giants, on Amazon or Exclusive Books. You can email her at or follow her on Facebook at: Talking with the Thabas

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