Looting culture

Sinqobile Tessa
THE LATE: Robert Mugabe

Since dead people can no longer hurt us, or defend themselves, it is better to forget their bad actions and remember only their good ones.

While this is true, I found it unfitting for our late former President, Robert Mugabe and I guess that’s the general feeling for many.

Zimbabwe went through the worst economically, socially and to a certain extent politically under Mugabe’s leadership hence it is difficult to talk about his good deeds; after all they say: do good and no one will remember, do bad and no one will forget.

Shakespeare summed it up best when he famously said, “The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones.”

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Many actually believe Mugabe is the author of all the country’s problems.

It therefore did not come as a surprise when Zanu PF spokesperson, Chris Mutsvangwa alleged this week that Zimbabwe’s gold reserves were looted from the central bank during Mugabe’s tenure.

Let me hasten to say this is not meant to exonerate the current regime but my belief is that had Mugabe not set a precedence of looting and amassing personal wealth, we would be in a better place.

Now those in position of power also just want to ‘eat’ while they still have the chance. I am sure while at it they will be saying ‘if Mugabe did it, why can’t I?’

In a press briefing on Monday, Mutsvangwa alleged that while Mugabe was still in power, the country’s gold was taken to a certain Arab nation which had the means to provide the much needed US Dollars. However, according to him, while the gold was delivered to the said nation, the money never came to the Reserve bank.

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This quickly reminded me of Bona Mugabe’s obscene wealth which was exposed when her estranged husband claimed his share following their divorce last year.

So if Mugabe’s daughter could own dozens of up-market properties in the country and abroad, what of her parents? And where did she get the money to buy all those properties and high end cars? Your guess is as good as mine.

Anyway, gold is much talked about of late because of the new currency, ZiG (Zimbabwe Gold) which was launched last week and set to start circulating at the end of the month. The currency is, however, already functional for online transaction.

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The ZiG is backed by the country’s gold and currently one ZiG is worth about seven US cents.

The currency was introduced to tame inflation and stabilise the volatile exchange rate. There are fears that in the long run, it will be yet another failed currency as this is the country’s sixth legal tender in 25 years.

On another note, since pledging my allegiance to Liverpool, mainly because of 16-year-old midfielder, Trey Nyoni’s links to Zimbabwe, the Scousers have lost their way big time.

Knocked out of the FA Cup by their hated rivals (my former team) Manchester United, they were thrashed in Europe while their hopes of winning the Premier League took a knock with an unexpected loss to Crystal Palace. It seems I choose the wrong time to start supporting Liverpool!

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