Lone voice

Sinqobile Tessa
MESSY SPLIT: The estranged couple (Credit: Zimbabwerise.com)

Just as I sat down to write this week’s column, the power went off.

I cursed and swore at our power utility company for the power outage and rhetorically asked, ‘Of all the days, why Tuesday evening when I had a deadline to meet?’ Very selfish of me, isn’t?

Anyway, the powers-that-be had warned of power cuts due to a fault at one of the power generation plants but I somehow fooled myself into believing we would not be affected since we are in the rural areas. Naïve of me, I know!

I thus almost forgo writing this week’s letter as it meant using my mobile phone, which is quite a daunting task.

But then I remembered I promised my editor I would be consistent unless under extreme circumstances.

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Besides, I owe it our loyal readers who find time to read this column.

As I sat there sulking, I quickly reminded myself that compared to others, I honestly wasn’t having a bad evening as I at least had plan B.

I also consoled myself with the knowledge that power will eventually return, maybe not today, but ultimately it will come back.

For others, however, the power they once yielded is gone forever.

And thus my mind drifted to Mary Mubaiwa, the estranged wife of Vice President, Constatino Chiwenga who is clearly experiencing a much worse time in her life.

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Earlier in the day, she had Tweeted about her grief as she had not seen her three minor children for almost two years.

Mubaiwa, who stands accused of money laundering, fraud and attempting to kill the VP, is being denied access to her children as the messy divorce process rages on.

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Of late, she has been pouring her heart and soul out on social media about her suffering at the hands of Chiwenga, who she accuses of abusing his powers.

Sadly though, very few people seem to sympathize with the former model because of her past behaviour when she was living large as the ‘second lady’ of Zimbabwe.

In her Tweet, Mubaiwa, who turned 40 last month, said she had been to the highest office in the land hoping to get help but doors had been shut in her face.

I must say, my heart sank a bit as I read the Tweet, how could the Vice President be so cruel to deny his children access to their own mother and vice versa.

Can’t he at least be human enough and have mercy on this woman he once loved?

All she wants is to hold her children, to spend time with them and just be their mother, is that too much to ask?

But Chiwenga being Chiwenga wants to prove to Mubaiwa that he is a powerful man who can get away with anything.

The former, on the other hand, will continue being a lone voice on social media, crying out to people who have no care whatsoever.

Shame, poor Mubaiwa, life can really be unfair but I personally hope she will eventually be reunited with her children.

On a side note, if the VP can treat someone he used to love like that, imagine what he has in store for his enemies!

In other news, the construction of a mausoleum for the late former President, Robert Mugabe is on-going despite the man having been buried at his rural home in Zvimba.

Maybe they know they will finally exhume his remains and bury him at the mausoleum which is being built at the National Shrine.

Mugabe, who died in 2019, reportedly told his family that he wants to be buried at his rural home.

This was after he had been kicked out of power following a military coup in November 2017.

The current regime, however, wanted him buried at the shrine and a case filed by one Zvimba villager is currently before courts seeking to have Mugabe’s remains exhumed from the area.

This has raised eyebrows that he could actually have been sponsored to file the case.

Anyway, it’s taken me four hours to write this, the power’s still off and the clock’s struck midnight.

I’m off to bed, have a great week everyone.

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