Jilted boyfriend hangs himself

INVESTIGATING: Supt. Kwarare (inset)

A 29-year-old man from Mmopane village reportedly hanged himself last Friday morning at Thamaga Junior Secondary School after his ex-girlfriend rejected his proposal for reconciliation.

According to police investigations, the depressed young man who had been staying with his stepfather who is the school head at Thamaga JSS, could not handle the rejection and he decided to take his own life.

The young man’s love affair is said to have ended early this month and when he met his ex-girlfriend in Mmopane last Thursday he begged her for a second chance but she turned down the proposition.

The following morning after his return from Mmopane, he was found hanging from a tree by a night-watchman who was patrolling the school premises.

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He is alleged to have ended his life using a piece of wire which was found tied around his neck.

Thamaga Police Station Commander, Superintendent Moses Kwarare, confirmed that they are investigating the incident that was reported to them last Friday morning.

“After the police received the report, they rushed to the place and took the young man to Thamaga Primary Hospital where he was certified dead by the medical doctor,” said Superintendent Kwarare.

The deceased’s body is awaiting post-mortem at the hospital mortuary.

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