Japan honours Botswana Geoscience CEO


Tiyapo Hudson Ngwisanyi, the Chief Executive Officer of the Botswana Geoscience Institute (BGI) has been conferred with Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Neck Ribbon by the Embassy of Japan.

The conferment took place on the 26th of January, 2021 at the Embassy of Japan in Gaborone.

Among those who came to witness the ceremony were Lefoko Maxwell Moagi, Minister of Mineral Resources, Green Technology, Professor Motsoptse Modisi, Board Chairman and Supervisor of the Botswana Geoscience Institute, and Gaobotse Ngwisanyi, as well as officials from the Embassy of Japan.

Deputy Head of Mission of the Embassy of Japan, Fujino Yuka told attendants that in April 2020, the Government of Japan announced that His Majesty the Emperor had conferred upon Ngwisanyi, the decoration of the Order of the Rising Sun; Gold Rays with Neck Ribbon.

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The order is one of the most prestigious awards that a foreign national can receive Fujino further stated that Ngwisanyi had over the years contributed to building and strengthening the bilateral relationship between Japan and Botswana, as well as Southern Africa at large, through the promotion of the transfer of technology, academic exchanges, and mutual understanding in the mineral sector.

In his acceptance speech, Ngwisanyi expressed his gratitude to the Government of Japan for awarding him with the decoration.

He also thanked BGI, Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC) Botswana office, the Ministry of Mineral Resources, Green Technology and Energy Security, and the geoscience professionals in the SADC National Geological Survey Organisations for the enormous support that they extended to him.

He stated that the Geological Remote Sensing Centre (GRSC), which was established together with JOGMEC in Botswana to facilitate the transfer of geological remote sensing technique to SADC countries, created the linkages, collaborations, and partnerships amongst SADC countries.

He further stated that GRSC has to be maintained, and the evolution of the GRSC into a Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) Centre of Excellence would be feasible in the future.

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Minister Moagi described the occasion as a landmark achievement by a 14-year collaborative relationship championed by BGI, under the leadership of Ngwisanyi and JOGMEC.

The minister noted the conferment of the decoration on Ngwisanyi as recognition of all efforts by those involved, particularly the BGI team, the former Department of Geological Survey, and BGI employees.

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