Give Masisi a chance

Daniel Chida

“ Even as we lament the conduct and integrity of the 2019 elections, we recognize that a government has been constituted, legislators have been sworn in and the business of improving the lives of our people can not wait one minute.”

Leader Of Opposition in parliament in his response to the State of the Nation Address on Wednesday afternoon made the above statement and I concur with him entirely.

President Mokgweetsi Eric Keabetswe Masisi has been given a five -year term to lead this country and it is only right that he should be allowed to carry out his mandate in peace and without fear or favour.

Although opinion has been divided about him with some describing him as a messiah sent by God to save this country from a corrupt cabal while some still question his capabilities and describe him as, “same wine in a different bottle, the fact is he is our president.

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When Masisi took over from his predecessor, his first promise was to fight corruption and true to his words, he has already ruffled a few feathers in this regard.

Corruption cases with big names are already in court, which is a good start although the million-dollar question is, will the state get a conviction?

The president has assured the citizens of this country, that he will do his utmost best to serve, and it is worth noting that his administration has already made some reforms to assist young people such as allowing them to set up businesses in their parents’ homes.

Those who have farms will also be allowed to subdivide and use part of their farms for non-farming activities.

The president also hit the ground running by increasing entertainment industry hours, something that has earned him accolades even outside the country.

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The media can also testify that to his credit there has been a lot more access to information through press conferences, bringing a ten- year black out on the private media to a welcome end.

Will Masisi transform the lives of Batswana for the better? All the indicators are there that he is on the right track to do exactly that.

He has promised that indigenous Batswana will be given priority in land allocation in the tourism sector.

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He has also expressed concern that the tourism industry is in the hands of a few foreigners, hence the need to involve more Batswana, which would be a commendable move if only he could be allowed to walk his talk.

After elections we are all Batswana first, before our political parties. All leaders of this country must work together, for a common goal of taking Botswana forward.

In the next five years all eyes will be on Maisisi’s cabinet, which by the look of things was selected based on merit instead of blind loyalty.

When delivering his State of the Nation Address this week, the President spoke of job creation pointing out that it couldn’t be achieved without rolling out the red carpet for sustainable and impactful investment.

“We are challenged by our market size as an economy; therefore we must come up with deliberate interventions to promote export oriented business which will be achieved through the Botswana Export Development Programme (BEDP), the Special Economic Zones (SEZ’s) and regional integration.”

He also mentioned that in facilitating the ease of doing business in the country, government is reviewing both the Immigration Act to make sure that it effectively enables the employment of non citizens and the Point Based System to make assessment of work permits applications fair, objective and more transparent.

Masisi has promised to tackle the Human –wildlife conflict, promote Botswana as a destination of choice for major conferences and international events, and continue to nurture friendly relations with other countries and forge strategic partnerships with the international community.

Given all that I say let’s give him a chance to rule this country and see what he has in store for if he fails we can always vote him out in the next general coming elections in 2024.

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