Cracked it

Baitshepi Sekgweng
  • Meet the man behind the Crackit empire

At the age of 18, Moemedi Senwelo dropped out of University of Botswana (UB) where he was studying for a Bachelor of Sciences.

The year was 2011.

It was not, however, the end of the Mochudi youngster’s journey with education but rather the beginning.

The same year, Senwelo started tutoring struggling students.

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By 2017, his reputation had grown and his services were in such demand that he started Crackit Tuition.

Now a major player in the local education sector, Senwelo’s empire stretches across Botswana, boasting 53 centres, with 4, 424 students enrolled and a staff contingent that stands at 400.

This is the incredible story of how Senwelo cracked it….

Kindly introduce yourself?

I’m a 29 year old man from Mochudi.

Take us through an average work day in the life of Crackit Tuition’s Managing Director.

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I mostly supervise my management team with regards to their individual tasks and do meetings with relevant stakeholders in and outside the office.

Before you established this business, where were you?

I have never worked in my life, after finishing my Form Five in 2011 I started this business.

What services and products does Crackit Tuition offer?

We do tutoring or home schooling and we have a pre-school in Gaborone West.

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Apart from that, we sell revision books called Cracking Revision Books, which we introduced in 2014.

Tells us about the establishment of Crackit Tuition?

It was inspired by the need to help improve the pass rate because students’ results were dismal at national level in examinations.

So I thought I could assist.

Where do you want to see the business in the next five years?

My dream is to see this business having managed to list in the Botswana Stock Exchange as well as to expand regionally in Southern Africa.

With the mushrooming of Tuition centres throughout the country, what sets you apart from the rest?

Personal Development programme which we have sets us apart from the rest.

With this programme, we help kids to discover their purpose – the skills and talents they have.

That assists us to give them relevant career guidance and advice.

What is the highlight of your career?

The time when we had kids who were doing Standard Five and they sat for Primary School Leaving Examinations (PSLE) and managed to pass with straight ‘A’s in all subjects – that was in 2018 and 2019.

What challenges does Crackit Tuition face in its trade?

That has to be licensing, Tuition centers are not licensed.

Relevant authorities promised that they will accommodate us with regards to this but they say they are still revising the laws and guidelines of this kind of businesses.

On a lighter note, any corporate social responsibility initiatives you are currently engaged in?

Recently we advanced a P200, 000 sponsorship to Mochudi Centre Chiefs.

We also do cleanup campaigns in villages we operate in annually.

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Lastly, we sent 11 of our staff members to school to do Masters in Education.

What attracted you to Chiefs?

I grew up supporting the club; I just wanted to help so that the team can get promotion to the elite league.

I had interest to become a shareholder in the club but negotiations with the relevant people failed so I have since withdrawn my interest.

Over the years there has been a decline in performance of students in year end exams.

From your assessment as a player in the education sector, what’s the cause of this?

Student-teacher ratio is not favorable, which limits one-on-one sessions with students.

Another factor is that teachers are not happy ever since that 2011 strike; it seems they are still unhappy with their welfare so there is no motivation.

Students also spend too much time on social media and television so their studies suffer.

How has Crackit Tuition changed the local education landscape?

We have complemented the government very much because if kids have failed to finish the syllabus at school they can do that at our centers.

We have also made private education very affordable because our home schooling is just like private schools.

Do you have any other business ventures?

I have a publishing and books company called Freedom Books.

We have book stores in Galo and Game City Malls.

Thus far I have written and published four books.

What motivates you?

The vision to make an impact in the education sector.

That is to have graduates who are industry ready and relevant and equipped with both practical and theoretical skills.

What keeps you busy when you are not at work?

I mostly read business books and chill with my family.

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